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Showing posts from March, 2019

Fine Art vs Commercial Portraits

Fine Art Austin Hargrave Commercial Contrast: The Fine Art photo is in black and white, has no brand names, and no clear message of any kind. The second photo is the same model but on the set of a commercial for m&ms. He is dressed like an m&m and is eating them on set.

Commercial Portrait

A Commercial Portrait is a portrait taken with the intention of selling a product or an idea. Bradley Kanaris I like how the player's bright uniform contrasts with the very monotone background. The area of higher exposure around the player also helps make the uniform really stand out. Bradley Kanaris I like how the photographer uses the doctor's equipment as props to clarify what he does and how advanced his practice is.

Fine Art Portraits

Fine Art Portraits A fine art portrait is an image of a person designed to either convey either a story or a depiction of high fashion. Photo 1: Adam Degross - This photo shows the struggles of the life of a touring music artist Photo 2: Annie Leibovitz - This portrait is extremely simplistic and yet visually stimulating. It is about as from from commercialism as a portrait can be.

Porject 9: Surrealism and Photomontage

Project 9:  Surrealism and Photomontage This image addresses the earth's greatest conflict. The rivalry between nature and the soul- between man and god. What was once a peaceful park has been decimated by the plague of the human race. No matter how you view its origins, man is what it is all powerful. The image overlaid was designed to instill a crippling fear into the viewer. Call it a man, call it a boy, there is no denying its might and majesty. The  man  depicts the vitality of the entire human race. It will outlive the world- it will outlive its god .    I guess this depicts global warming?

Project 9 Prework

Surrealism is an art style that focuses on using the creative potential of the unconscious mind. Marc Chagall 1. The man and the women are flying over a relatively normal landscape. Vladimir Kush - The smoke coming from the train forms the shape of an extremely intricate building. Christopher Ryan McKenny 2. There are hands independent of a body and the mirror is reflecting  in the directions of the viewer without showing the camera. Hugh Kretschmer - This man is split into sections of different sizes from the waist up.

Project 8: Digital Alternative Processes

Daguerreotypes Cyanotypes

Masashi Wakui

Masashi Wakui
A Photo of Pedestrians in Tokyo

World Trade Center One

World Trade Center One